Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sylvan Beach

Holly says:

After a cruise of about 6 hours from St. Johnsville on Friday with great weather, through locks 19 - 22, we arrived in Sylvan Beach on Oneida Lake. Sadly, it was only to find that "there was no room at the inn"--all marinas were full! We called every marina in the vicinity, with no luck. We decided to tie up at the town wall, which doesn't have any electricity or water hook-ups. On the way to the wall, we noticed a group of about 6 people in a small boat, just sitting there looking like they were floundering. John asked them if they were okay--the answer was "not really". Apparently, their engine flooded and they could not get it going, so they were just floating there; they had no oars. John then asked if they wanted assistance, and they did. We threw them a line and towed them to the dock. That was our good deed for the day. Undaunted by the lack of marina slips, John proceeded to scour the area for someone willing to rent us a private slip, to no avail. However, he did find someone willing to let us hook up to the electricity in his home (for a slight fee, of course).

After dinner at a nice Italian Restaurant (the owner originally from Brooklyn) we headed for the amusement park. We went on several rides (me screaming the whole way) and the bumper cars before going back to the boat. Saturday was another beautiful day--I went to the beach for a few hours while John did laundry. I attended the Sylvan Beach Union Chapel for service this morning, and we then traversed Oneida Lake to reach Brewerton at about 2:00 pm.

I've attached a photo taken at the amusement park and one showing the boats on Oneida Lake at the beach.


  1. I love the photos from the amusement parkS It's great to see you both playing. Your journal is wonderful to follow, even if you have been hit with some mechanical problems and bad weather. Although the photos show nothing but sun. John, if you didn't have things to work on you wouldn't feel like you were home. I love the girl scount thing, Holly. After another few days I have a feeling that you will consider yourself a full fledge eagle scout (that's for boys, girls get the silver arrow or something like that.) It's wonderful how you are meeting people wherever you go.

    What is certainly sad is the small town America plight. Perhaps you should be taking more photos of what is happening to all the small towns and then publish a photo/story. Your writing is great to follow and with photos I have a feeling it would be quite moving - well that's just my thought.

    ENJOY! Love to you both. Robbin

  2. Hey Guys,
    Just a thought... We used to spend 3 weeks of our summers back in the 60's, at Wellsley Island, where US81 and Canada's 137 meet at the border. We could walk to the duty free store from our cabin on the east side of 81.
    Patty and I would take dad's boat and go through the rift north around Hill Island, then south to Alexandria and Boldt Castle. My real first boating experience, and learned how to water ski. It was a long time ago, but I remember the Alexandria area had alot of marinas and is a pretty nice town. If you stop there, or go by the castle, could you take a few extra pics for me?? It would bring back some fun memories.
    Have more fun!
